Shared Value

Shared Value

In recent years an increased social and environmental awareness has been growing steadily within the global business sector. The success of a company or economic enterprise is no longer judged solely on the basis of the profit it brings to shareholders, but by its economic, social and environmental contribution to society. This is the concept of Shared Value: that a company or other productive operation measures its success by the net positive or negative effects it has on its stakeholders. In contrast with other approaches, the goal of maximization looks beyond the simple creation of economic value on the behalf of a company, to a broader sense of value for society and the environment, according to which a business incorporates into its profit-making estimations a duty of care for the social and environmental needs around it. This approach, first outlined by Michel Porter at Harvard University in 2012, was adopted at the end of 2019 by the companies of the Business Roundtable, and in February 2021 in the closing declaration of the Davos Forum.

Our contribution

Econometría has been the pioneering organization to calculate Shared Value for companies in Colombia. Our estimations have made use of the world’s most up-to-date theoretical formulations for meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, as such carrying out calculations for ARGOS in 2017 and PROMIGAS in 2019. In these cases, the net contribution of the company was calculated not only in terms of profit for shareholders, but by the benefits it brought to other sectors of the economy and to general environmental sustainability. Previously, although without the reference framework of the agreements mentioned earlier, similar estimations were carried out for Cerrejón y Cerro Matoso.

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Consulting services in monitoring&E of policies, programs and projects.

Consulting in M&E of policies, programs, and projects for public and private entities, international cooperation agencies and non-governmental organizations. Optimize your decisions based on evidence. Sign in now.

NGO Evaluations

In this week in which the day of NGOs is celebrated, Econometría highlights their contribution to the generation of evidence...

Evaluation for WFP

Econometría was granted the Evaluation Data Summaries (SEEs) project commissioned by the WFP-OEV...

Evaluation for UNICEF

In 2012, Econometría conducted three evaluations for UNICEF in Latin America: Evaluation of the country program...

Consulting services in monitoring&E of policies, programs and projects.

Consulting in M&E of policies, programs, and projects for public and private entities, international cooperation agencies and non-governmental organizations. Optimize your decisions based on evidence. Sign in now.

NGO Evaluations

In this week in which the day of NGOs is celebrated, Econometría highlights their contribution to the generation of evidence...

Evaluation for WFP

Econometría was granted the Evaluation Data Summaries (SEEs) project commissioned by the WFP-OEV...

Evaluation for UNICEF

In 2012, Econometría conducted three evaluations for UNICEF in Latin America: Evaluation of the country program...

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Social inclusion

Social and productive inclusion

The most significant programmes and policies for inclusion in Colombia have been evaluated by Econometría, focused on the poorest people in the country. These policies of social inclusion seek to provide support to those in poverty through income support or conditional payments. This last form of income support is the most widely used strategy to support the poorest families and encourage the accumulation of human capital, characterized by money available on the condition of regular health and child development checks, and that children remain enrolled in full-time education. In Colombia the first such programme was Families in Action which began in 2001 and became in 2012 a permanent, national programme, protected by law and with an uptake of more than a million homes. Another conditional payment programme was Youth in Action, focused on encouraging young people to remain in higher education. Other programmes aimed at the vulnerable population are those of productive inclusion.

Our contribution

Econometría has participated in conditional payment transfer programmes since their implementation in 2001, and was responsible for the first evaluations of the impact of Families in Action and Youth in Action, in alliance with the Institute of Fiscal Studies (IFS) in London. The results of these evaluations had an impact on policy-making decisions regarding such programmes, focused as they are on the most vulnerable groups in the country. This experience has enabled our organization to make important contributions to other social inclusion projects within the public sector, as well as projects carried out by actors from the private sphere which are similarly focused on the country’s most vulnerable. Noteworthy in this last category are programmes of productive inclusion.

Our impact evaluation of conditional payment programmes has extended to other contexts, such as Honduras and the Bahamas. In Honduras an evaluation was conducted on the impact of a controlled randomization model for a Better Life Voucher, and in the Bahamas a baseline was designed and developed for the RISE programme.

Econometría has similarly evaluated programmes and policies of productive inclusion which seek to generate income for vulnerable groups, such as Women Who Save (Mujeres Ahorradoras) among other examples.

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Consulting services in monitoring&E of policies, programs and projects.

Consulting in M&E of policies, programs, and projects for public and private entities, international cooperation agencies and non-governmental organizations. Optimize your decisions based on evidence. Sign in now.

NGO Evaluations

In this week in which the day of NGOs is celebrated, Econometría highlights their contribution to the generation of evidence...

Evaluation for WFP

Econometría was granted the Evaluation Data Summaries (SEEs) project commissioned by the WFP-OEV...

Evaluation for UNICEF

In 2012, Econometría conducted three evaluations for UNICEF in Latin America: Evaluation of the country program...

Consulting services in monitoring&E of policies, programs and projects.

Consulting in M&E of policies, programs, and projects for public and private entities, international cooperation agencies and non-governmental organizations. Optimize your decisions based on evidence. Sign in now.

NGO Evaluations

In this week in which the day of NGOs is celebrated, Econometría highlights their contribution to the generation of evidence...

Evaluation for WFP

Econometría was granted the Evaluation Data Summaries (SEEs) project commissioned by the WFP-OEV...

Evaluation for UNICEF

In 2012, Econometría conducted three evaluations for UNICEF in Latin America: Evaluation of the country program...

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Childhood and adolescence

Childhood and adolescence

Children and adolescents in Colombia are classified as those individuals between conception and 17 years of age. In accordance with Colombian legislation, they are recognized as having rights which are legally guaranteed under nine principles: best interests, the right to be prioritized, co-responsibility, enforceability, equity, social inclusion, solidarity, complementarity and subsidiarity.

Our contribution

Econometría has contributed to the development of understanding around the situation of children, at the different stages of their lives, through analysis, studies and evaluations of policy, programmes and public interventions aimed at boys and girls. It has likewise participated in raising awareness of the role of this age group in sectoral policies. Furthermore, we have worked with NGOs and Multilateral Organisms, such as Unicef and Save the Children, to analyze steps taken to protect the child population and to assess the level of its inclusion in public actions in relation to local development, participation and protection.

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Consulting services in monitoring&E of policies, programs and projects.

Consulting in M&E of policies, programs, and projects for public and private entities, international cooperation agencies and non-governmental organizations. Optimize your decisions based on evidence. Sign in now.

NGO Evaluations

In this week in which the day of NGOs is celebrated, Econometría highlights their contribution to the generation of evidence...

Evaluation for WFP

Econometría was granted the Evaluation Data Summaries (SEEs) project commissioned by the WFP-OEV...

Evaluation for UNICEF

In 2012, Econometría conducted three evaluations for UNICEF in Latin America: Evaluation of the country program...

Consulting services in monitoring&E of policies, programs and projects.

Consulting in M&E of policies, programs, and projects for public and private entities, international cooperation agencies and non-governmental organizations. Optimize your decisions based on evidence. Sign in now.

NGO Evaluations

In this week in which the day of NGOs is celebrated, Econometría highlights their contribution to the generation of evidence...

Evaluation for WFP

Econometría was granted the Evaluation Data Summaries (SEEs) project commissioned by the WFP-OEV...

Evaluation for UNICEF

In 2012, Econometría conducted three evaluations for UNICEF in Latin America: Evaluation of the country program...

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Evaluations for the UN

Evaluations for the United Nations

At Econometría we have conducted multiple evaluations of Country Programmes, focused programmes and operations of United Nations organizations in Latin America, Asia and Africa, such as UNICEF, the World Food Programme (WFP), UNHCR, UN Women, FAO, Unesco, IOM, and ILO, among others. A long-term contract with Unicef was established to carry out evaluations of impact, examples of which include: an evaluation of the nutritional improvement programme for children in Nepal, the creation of a baseline for the programme against child marriage in Afganistan, the evaluation of the ‘Bringing Up with Love’ (Criando con Amor) programme in Honduras, the evaluation of the Country Programme in Ethiopia, and work to improve the efficiency of the organization in Africa. We have worked on an ongoing, long-term basis with the WFP since 2012 to provide services to evaluate centralized and decentralized outlines, carrying out multiple evaluations of Country Programmes, operations and strategies in Cuba, Nicaragua, Colombia, Bolivia, Haiti, Central America, the Caribbean, Guinea Bissau and Gambia, among others.

Our contribution

Econometría is the only Latin-American company to be granted a long-term contract with the WFP. We have contributed, for both the WFP and other organizations, to the search for evidence for successes and challenges in decision-making processes, with the objective of creating and implementing more relevant, effective, efficient and sustainable interventions, in areas such as food and nutrition, reduction of poverty, comprehensive development of boys and girls, gender equality, protection for refugees, and human rights.

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Other related results

Consulting services in monitoring&E of policies, programs and projects.

Consulting in M&E of policies, programs, and projects for public and private entities, international cooperation agencies and non-governmental organizations. Optimize your decisions based on evidence. Sign in now.

NGO Evaluations

In this week in which the day of NGOs is celebrated, Econometría highlights their contribution to the generation of evidence...

Evaluation for WFP

Econometría was granted the Evaluation Data Summaries (SEEs) project commissioned by the WFP-OEV...

Evaluation for UNICEF

In 2012, Econometría conducted three evaluations for UNICEF in Latin America: Evaluation of the country program...

Consulting services in monitoring&E of policies, programs and projects.

Consulting in M&E of policies, programs, and projects for public and private entities, international cooperation agencies and non-governmental organizations. Optimize your decisions based on evidence. Sign in now.

NGO Evaluations

In this week in which the day of NGOs is celebrated, Econometría highlights their contribution to the generation of evidence...

Evaluation for WFP

Econometría was granted the Evaluation Data Summaries (SEEs) project commissioned by the WFP-OEV...

Evaluation for UNICEF

In 2012, Econometría conducted three evaluations for UNICEF in Latin America: Evaluation of the country program...

© 2022 Econometría Consultores SAS | All rights reserved | Sitemap



Education is a fundamental human right and corresponds with Sustainable Development Objective 4 (ODS4). However, in Colombia as in other developing countries, there are people without access to education, as well as cases where in spite of its availability, education is not of a high quality for all. This situation presents great challenges, in response to which educational policy has sought to improve the coverage of the system, above all in transition and in middle and further education which still have low rates of school attendance, as well as seeking to improve the quality of services via different strategies and programmes.

Our contribution

In this field, Econometría has carried out various evaluations of alternatives to elementary and secondary educational supply, such as flexible educational models, rural education programmes, licensed elementary schools, fusion of educational establishments, as well as interactive strategies at different educational levels to reduce school drop-out rates. Furthermore, we have analyzed the results of school day expansion programmes. For higher education we have worked principally in areas related to funding and incentives.

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Other related results

Consulting services in monitoring&E of policies, programs and projects.

Consulting in M&E of policies, programs, and projects for public and private entities, international cooperation agencies and non-governmental organizations. Optimize your decisions based on evidence. Sign in now.

NGO Evaluations

In this week in which the day of NGOs is celebrated, Econometría highlights their contribution to the generation of evidence...

Evaluation for WFP

Econometría was granted the Evaluation Data Summaries (SEEs) project commissioned by the WFP-OEV...

Evaluation for UNICEF

In 2012, Econometría conducted three evaluations for UNICEF in Latin America: Evaluation of the country program...

Consulting services in monitoring&E of policies, programs and projects.

Consulting in M&E of policies, programs, and projects for public and private entities, international cooperation agencies and non-governmental organizations. Optimize your decisions based on evidence. Sign in now.

NGO Evaluations

In this week in which the day of NGOs is celebrated, Econometría highlights their contribution to the generation of evidence...

Evaluation for WFP

Econometría was granted the Evaluation Data Summaries (SEEs) project commissioned by the WFP-OEV...

Evaluation for UNICEF

In 2012, Econometría conducted three evaluations for UNICEF in Latin America: Evaluation of the country program...

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Financial Inclusion

Financial Inclusion

Financial inclusion is one of the central aims of the national government, based on the understanding that more inclusive financial systems have positive impacts on the quality of life of the population as well as on general economic development. “Banca de las Opportunidades” (Opportunity Bank) is the National Government’s programme to promote financial inclusion in Colombia via public policies aimed at creating market incentives for inclusive financial services, as well as the reduction of access barriers.

Our contribution

In this field, Econometría has contributed to analysis of the supply and demand of financial services in rural and vulnerable populations, as well as the design of policies, programmes and instruments for financial inclusion. The majority of these projects have been carried out in association with Marulanda Consultants.

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Other related results

Consulting services in monitoring&E of policies, programs and projects.

Consulting in M&E of policies, programs, and projects for public and private entities, international cooperation agencies and non-governmental organizations. Optimize your decisions based on evidence. Sign in now.

NGO Evaluations

In this week in which the day of NGOs is celebrated, Econometría highlights their contribution to the generation of evidence...

Evaluation for WFP

Econometría was granted the Evaluation Data Summaries (SEEs) project commissioned by the WFP-OEV...

Evaluation for UNICEF

In 2012, Econometría conducted three evaluations for UNICEF in Latin America: Evaluation of the country program...

Consulting services in monitoring&E of policies, programs and projects.

Consulting in M&E of policies, programs, and projects for public and private entities, international cooperation agencies and non-governmental organizations. Optimize your decisions based on evidence. Sign in now.

NGO Evaluations

In this week in which the day of NGOs is celebrated, Econometría highlights their contribution to the generation of evidence...

Evaluation for WFP

Econometría was granted the Evaluation Data Summaries (SEEs) project commissioned by the WFP-OEV...

Evaluation for UNICEF

In 2012, Econometría conducted three evaluations for UNICEF in Latin America: Evaluation of the country program...

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Climate Finance

Climate Finance

Climate change is one of the world’s greatest threats. Colombia has pledged to reduce its emissions by 51% for 2030 and to be carbon neutral by 2050, and other Latin American countries have similarly ambitious goals. To reach them, policies and economic instruments must be designed and implemented which incentivize the private sector to innovate and invest in cleaner production as a complement to the efforts of the public sector and the international community.

Our contribution

As well as contributing to studies on environmental policy and economic assessment, at Econometría we have played an active part in the design and implementation of national strategies of climate funding. Similarly, we have participated in meteorological, legal, institutional, economic and financial studies aimed at the creation of political instruments that bring about fiscal and financially sustainable change for the environment.

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Other related results

Consulting services in monitoring&E of policies, programs and projects.

Consulting in M&E of policies, programs, and projects for public and private entities, international cooperation agencies and non-governmental organizations. Optimize your decisions based on evidence. Sign in now.

NGO Evaluations

In this week in which the day of NGOs is celebrated, Econometría highlights their contribution to the generation of evidence...

Evaluation for WFP

Econometría was granted the Evaluation Data Summaries (SEEs) project commissioned by the WFP-OEV...

Evaluation for UNICEF

In 2012, Econometría conducted three evaluations for UNICEF in Latin America: Evaluation of the country program...

Consulting services in monitoring&E of policies, programs and projects.

Consulting in M&E of policies, programs, and projects for public and private entities, international cooperation agencies and non-governmental organizations. Optimize your decisions based on evidence. Sign in now.

NGO Evaluations

In this week in which the day of NGOs is celebrated, Econometría highlights their contribution to the generation of evidence...

Evaluation for WFP

Econometría was granted the Evaluation Data Summaries (SEEs) project commissioned by the WFP-OEV...

Evaluation for UNICEF

In 2012, Econometría conducted three evaluations for UNICEF in Latin America: Evaluation of the country program...

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Rural Development

Rural development

With poor living conditions and significant gaps in equality with urban zones, rural areas present a huge challenge for Colombia. The duration of this situation makes the challenge even greater, but at the same time is an area of tremendous potential for the country to increase income and improve living conditions in an environmentally sustainable way. Opportunities exist but capitalizing on them requires structured and systematic development.

Our contribution

We have been working in this setting for the last 15 years, carrying out more than 40 projects covering a wide range of areas: macro analysis, understanding of regional dynamics, conceptualization of the challenges of regional and rural development, policy for the operational setting of the sector, supply of cross-sectoral public goods, and evaluation of support programmes for agricultural producers. The breadth of our experience gives us a deep understanding of the context; as a result, we are able to offer resources to develop comprehensive strategies of support to rural areas.

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Other related results

Consulting services in monitoring&E of policies, programs and projects.

Consulting in M&E of policies, programs, and projects for public and private entities, international cooperation agencies and non-governmental organizations. Optimize your decisions based on evidence. Sign in now.

NGO Evaluations

In this week in which the day of NGOs is celebrated, Econometría highlights their contribution to the generation of evidence...

Evaluation for WFP

Econometría was granted the Evaluation Data Summaries (SEEs) project commissioned by the WFP-OEV...

Evaluation for UNICEF

In 2012, Econometría conducted three evaluations for UNICEF in Latin America: Evaluation of the country program...

Consulting services in monitoring&E of policies, programs and projects.

Consulting in M&E of policies, programs, and projects for public and private entities, international cooperation agencies and non-governmental organizations. Optimize your decisions based on evidence. Sign in now.

NGO Evaluations

In this week in which the day of NGOs is celebrated, Econometría highlights their contribution to the generation of evidence...

Evaluation for WFP

Econometría was granted the Evaluation Data Summaries (SEEs) project commissioned by the WFP-OEV...

Evaluation for UNICEF

In 2012, Econometría conducted three evaluations for UNICEF in Latin America: Evaluation of the country program...

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Forced displacement

Forced displacement due to armed conflict

Armed conflict in Colombia has given rise to serious human rights violations, and has affected millions of people who have been forcibly displaced, losing their tangible as well as intangible capitol and suffering serious psychosocial consequences. In line with the existing rights of this population, an extensive base of regulation and case-law has been developed, giving way to public policy which requires an analysis of the population, as well as institutional evaluations of results and impact.

The humanitarian emergency of displaced populations in Colombia has indeed been tackled by the United Nations, ONGs and other organizations, contributing action plans for direct alimentary and non-alimentary assistance as well as psychosocial and livelihood support, and striving for long-term solutions.

Our contibution

Econometría has participated in multiple settings with the victims of forced displacement, as well as victims of other events. On the behalf of the government we have carried out analysis of victim populations, whether of forced displacement or of other events, through home surveys carried out by our representatives across the country, and have likewise contributed to the design and evaluation of public policies. In addition, for the United Nations and other organizations, we have carried out analysis of food insecurity and vulnerability since 2003 for the World Food Programme, and have evaluated interventions aimed at this population for the PMA, PNUD, OIM, ACNUR, FUPAD and the BID.

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Other related results

Consulting services in monitoring&E of policies, programs and projects.

Consulting in M&E of policies, programs, and projects for public and private entities, international cooperation agencies and non-governmental organizations. Optimize your decisions based on evidence. Sign in now.

NGO Evaluations

In this week in which the day of NGOs is celebrated, Econometría highlights their contribution to the generation of evidence...

Evaluation for WFP

Econometría was granted the Evaluation Data Summaries (SEEs) project commissioned by the WFP-OEV...

Evaluation for UNICEF

In 2012, Econometría conducted three evaluations for UNICEF in Latin America: Evaluation of the country program...

Consulting services in monitoring&E of policies, programs and projects.

Consulting in M&E of policies, programs, and projects for public and private entities, international cooperation agencies and non-governmental organizations. Optimize your decisions based on evidence. Sign in now.

NGO Evaluations

In this week in which the day of NGOs is celebrated, Econometría highlights their contribution to the generation of evidence...

Evaluation for WFP

Econometría was granted the Evaluation Data Summaries (SEEs) project commissioned by the WFP-OEV...

Evaluation for UNICEF

In 2012, Econometría conducted three evaluations for UNICEF in Latin America: Evaluation of the country program...

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Science and innovation

Science, technology and innovation

Science, technology and innovation are fundamentally important for economic development and social progress in an economy. Innovation creates jobs and allows scientific technique and technological know-how to be applied to products and services. At Econometría we have evaluated the results and impacts of the most significant programmes in Colombia.

Our contribution

Econometría has participated in the evaluation of the impact and results of incentives designed and implemented by Innpulsa Colombia, Minciencias and other related organizations to promote CTI, providing recommendations to deal with challenges and make adjustments to the tools and systems used. Similarly, we have helped to identify the characteristics which allow companies to achieve fast, profitable and sustainable growth through investment in CTI, leading to the creation of incentives to strengthen the ecosystem of innovation in the country.

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Other related results

Consulting services in monitoring&E of policies, programs and projects.

Consulting in M&E of policies, programs, and projects for public and private entities, international cooperation agencies and non-governmental organizations. Optimize your decisions based on evidence. Sign in now.

NGO Evaluations

In this week in which the day of NGOs is celebrated, Econometría highlights their contribution to the generation of evidence...

Evaluation for WFP

Econometría was granted the Evaluation Data Summaries (SEEs) project commissioned by the WFP-OEV...

Evaluation for UNICEF

In 2012, Econometría conducted three evaluations for UNICEF in Latin America: Evaluation of the country program...

Consulting services in monitoring&E of policies, programs and projects.

Consulting in M&E of policies, programs, and projects for public and private entities, international cooperation agencies and non-governmental organizations. Optimize your decisions based on evidence. Sign in now.

NGO Evaluations

In this week in which the day of NGOs is celebrated, Econometría highlights their contribution to the generation of evidence...

Evaluation for WFP

Econometría was granted the Evaluation Data Summaries (SEEs) project commissioned by the WFP-OEV...

Evaluation for UNICEF

In 2012, Econometría conducted three evaluations for UNICEF in Latin America: Evaluation of the country program...

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