NGO Evaluations
In this week in which the day of NGOs is celebrated, Econometría highlights their contribution to the generation of evidence and strategic decision-making in foundations that work for the development of the country.
Some examples are:
- Investigation of opportunities for the growth of agribusinesses and SMEs in six regions of Colombia for the Fundación Chemonics.
- Research on citizen perception in Colombia on justice, truth, reparation and reconciliation for the Fundación Social.
- Carry out a study that promotes technological innovation. The coverage and sustainability of the Movies for all project for the Fundación Saldarriaga Concha.
- Bavaria 2022 Entrepreneurial Program Evaluation for the Fundación Bavaria.
- Evaluation of the progress of the results of the project "Consolidation of the Cauca cattle conglomerate through the strengthening of dairy production in fourteen of its municipalities" for the Fundación Alpina.
- Design of the economic evaluation strategy for social investments for the Fundación Promigas.
- Systematization and documentation of the programs of educational outings and the route that teaches the city for the Fundación Terpel.
- Design, follow-up and description of results of a system of indicators with a focus on the Effective Enjoyment of Rights in Samaniego for the Fundación Restrepo Barco.
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NGO Evaluations
In this week in which the day of NGOs is celebrated, Econometría highlights their contribution to the generation of evidence...

Evaluation for WFP
Econometría was granted the Evaluation Data Summaries (SEEs) project commissioned by the WFP-OEV...

Evaluation for UNICEF
In 2012, Econometría conducted three evaluations for UNICEF in Latin America: Evaluation of the country program...

Consulting services in monitoring&E of policies, programs and projects.
Consulting in M&E of policies, programs, and projects for public and private entities, international cooperation agencies and non-governmental organizations. Optimize your decisions based on evidence. Sign in now.

NGO Evaluations
In this week in which the day of NGOs is celebrated, Econometría highlights their contribution to the generation of evidence...

Evaluation for WFP
Econometría was granted the Evaluation Data Summaries (SEEs) project commissioned by the WFP-OEV...

Evaluation for UNICEF
In 2012, Econometría conducted three evaluations for UNICEF in Latin America: Evaluation of the country program...

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