Evaluations for UNICEF in Latin America
In 2012, Econometría conducted three evaluations for UNICEF in Latin America:
- Evaluation of the country program 2015-2019 (extended to 2022) in Venezuela to evaluate the relevance, effectiveness (coverage), efficiency, coherence (coordination and connectivity), and sustainability of the current CPD and identify key lessons learned and recommendations.
- Evaluation of the implementation of the UNICEF Social Inclusion Program in support of the implementation of SIGADENAH in Honduras to assess its relevance and the results achieved and identify the opportunities and obstacles to facilitate the program’s implementation at the local level.
- Evaluation of UNICEF's contribution to fostering and strengthening safe and relevant learning environments in Honduras to identify the contribution that two recent projects in the education area of UNICEF Honduras have had to the propitiation of safe and relevant learning environments.
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In this week in which the day of NGOs is celebrated, Econometría highlights their contribution to the generation of evidence...

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Econometría was granted the Evaluation Data Summaries (SEEs) project commissioned by the WFP-OEV...

Evaluation for UNICEF
In 2012, Econometría conducted three evaluations for UNICEF in Latin America: Evaluation of the country program...

Consulting services in monitoring&E of policies, programs and projects.
Consulting in M&E of policies, programs, and projects for public and private entities, international cooperation agencies and non-governmental organizations. Optimize your decisions based on evidence. Sign in now.

NGO Evaluations
In this week in which the day of NGOs is celebrated, Econometría highlights their contribution to the generation of evidence...

Evaluation for WFP
Econometría was granted the Evaluation Data Summaries (SEEs) project commissioned by the WFP-OEV...

Evaluation for UNICEF
In 2012, Econometría conducted three evaluations for UNICEF in Latin America: Evaluation of the country program...

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