Our contribution

At Econometría Consultores we bring to our clients the raw materials of knowledge necessary for making decisions. In each consulting study carried out we create a direct and continuous interaction with the client to streamline what we produce, in accordance with what is specifically required and with decision-making processes where necessary. This allows us to offer relevant, contextual and evidence-based recommendations for each specific case, all the time expanding our knowledge to improve our clients’ decisions.

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Design and development of follow-up systems
Consulting services in monitoring&E of policies, programs and projects.
Consulting in M&E of policies, programs, and projects for public and private entities, international cooperation agencies and non-governmental organizations. Optimize your decisions based on evidence. Sign in now.
Evaluation and creation of public policies, programmes and projects
NGO Evaluations
In this week in which the day of NGOs is celebrated, Econometría highlights their contribution to the generation of evidence...
Evaluation and creation of public policies, programmes and projects
Evaluation for WFP
Econometría was granted the Evaluation Data Summaries (SEEs) project commissioned by the WFP-OEV...
Evaluation and creation of public policies, programmes and projects
Latin America
Evaluation for UNICEF
In 2012, Econometría conducted three evaluations for UNICEF in Latin America: Evaluation of the country program...
Evaluation and creation of public policies, programmes and projects
Food security
There is increasing awareness of the importance of nutrition in the world, which is why this day is celebrated and...
Evaluation and creation of public policies, programmes and projects
Ethnic diversity
Commemorating the day of ethnic diversity, we want to mention the main projects where we have participated as a firm...
Evaluation and creation of public policies, programmes and projects
Road safety
Econometria has contributed to generating evidence to promote road safety programs, focused on vulnerable groups....
Evaluation and creation of public policies, programmes and projects
Challenges in evaluations
In this year in which Econometría celebrates its 45th anniversary, we are remembering the challenges we faced during the...
Macroeconomic and sectoral analysis
Shared Value
In recent years an increased social and environmental awareness has been growing steadily within the global business sector...

Estudio de monitoreo y evaluación de la pobreza para el programa Mi Vivienda en el Salvador

El FSV, con el apoyo del BCIE, ha contratado a la empresa Econometría Consultores, para desarrollar una encuesta tanto a hogares beneficiarios de PROVIDA (Mi Vivienda), como a hogares que aún no han participado...

Consultoría en seguimiento y monitoreo de políticas, programas y proyectos | Econometría

Consultoría en seguimiento y monitoreo de políticas, programas y proyectos para entidades públicas y privadas, organismos de cooperación internacional y organismos no gubernamentales. Optimiza tus decisiones basándote en evidencia. Ingresa ahora.

Impactos incentivo CINA

Impactos del incentivo CINA en la industria audiovisual Colombiana, Ley 1556 de 2012 y Ley 1955 de 2019…

Evaluaciones para ONGs

En 2012, Econometría realizó tres evaluaciones para UNICEF en América Latina: Consultoría para la evaluación…

Estudio de monitoreo y evaluación de la pobreza para el programa Mi Vivienda en el Salvador

El FSV, con el apoyo del BCIE, ha contratado a la empresa Econometría Consultores, para desarrollar una encuesta tanto a hogares beneficiarios de PROVIDA (Mi Vivienda), como a hogares que aún no han participado en...

Consultoría en seguimiento y monitoreo de políticas, programas y proyectos | Econometría

Consultoría en seguimiento y monitoreo de políticas, programas y proyectos para entidades públicas y privadas, organismos de cooperación internacional y organismos no gubernamentales. Optimiza tus decisiones basándote en evidencia. Ingresa ahora.

Impactos incentivo CINA

Impactos del incentivo CINA en la industria audiovisual Colombiana, Ley 1556 de 2012 y Ley 1955 de 2019…

Evaluaciones para ONGs

En 2012, Econometría realizó tres evaluaciones para UNICEF en América Latina: Consultoría para la evaluación…

© 2022 Econometría Consultores SAS | All rights reserved | Sitemap

Katherinne Alvarado
Fieldwork Manager
Katherinne Alvarado Acevedo is an Industrial Engineer, with experience in management and coordination of quantitative data collection, she is linked to Econometría since 2019 and has participated in more than 12 consultancies with the firm. Her areas of interest are mainly: Social inclusion, logistics, health, public policy, territorial, urban and rural development, among others.
Katherinne Alvarado
Fieldwork Manager
Katherinne Alvarado Acevedo is an Industrial Engineer, with experience in management and coordination of quantitative data collection, she is linked to Econometría since 2019 and has participated in more than 12 consultancies with the firm. Her areas of interest are mainly: Social inclusion, logistics, health, public policy, territorial, urban and rural development, among others.
Katherinne Alvarado
Líder Trabajo de Campo
Katherinne Alvarado Acevedo es Ingeniera Industrial, con experiencia en gestión y coordinación de recolección de datos cuantitativos, se encuentra vinculada a Econometría desde el 2019 y ha participado en más de 12 consultorías con la firma. Sus áreas de interés son principalmente: Inclusión social, logística, salud, políticas públicas, desarrollo territorial, urbano y rural, entre otros.
Katherinne Alvarado
Líder Trabajo de Campo
Katherinne Alvarado Acevedo es Ingeniera Industrial, con experiencia en gestión y coordinación de recolección de datos cuantitativos, se encuentra vinculada a Econometría desde el 2019 y ha participado en más de 12 consultorías con la firma. Sus áreas de interés son principalmente: Inclusión social, logística, salud, políticas públicas, desarrollo territorial, urbano y rural, entre otros.
Santiago Noguera
Junior Consultant
Santiago Noguera Cotes studied economics at the Universidad de Los Andes and has been part of the Econometría since 2023. His areas of interest include macroeconomic analysis, impact evaluation, economic development, and the informal economy.
Santiago Noguera
Junior Consultant
Santiago Noguera Cotes studied economics at the Universidad de Los Andes and has been part of the Econometría since 2023. His areas of interest include macroeconomic analysis, impact evaluation, economic development, and the informal economy.
Santiago Noguera
Consultor Junior
Santiago Noguera Cotes es economista de la Universidad de los Andes y hace parte del equipo de Econometría desde el año 2023. Sus áreas de interés son el análisis macroeconómico, la evaluación de impacto, el desarrollo económico y la economía informal.
Santiago Noguera
Consultor Junior
Santiago Noguera Cotes es economista de la Universidad de los Andes y hace parte del equipo de Econometría desde el año 2023. Sus áreas de interés son el análisis macroeconómico, la evaluación de impacto, el desarrollo económico y la economía informal.
Diego Sandoval
In memory of
Diego Sandoval Peralta, industrial engineer, economist and MBA from Universidad de los Andes and M. Phil (cand.) in economics from Oxford University. Until 2016 and for 30 years he was Director of Econometrics. He participated in more than 150 projects as director or expert. His areas of expertise were in economic and financial structuring and evaluation of projects, evaluation of public policies and sectoral analysis in agriculture, transportation and regional development.
Diego Sandoval
In memory of
Diego Sandoval Peralta, industrial engineer, economist and MBA from Universidad de los Andes and M. Phil (cand.) in economics from Oxford University. Until 2016 and for 30 years he was Director of Econometrics. He participated in more than 150 projects as director or expert. His areas of expertise were in economic and financial structuring and evaluation of projects, evaluation of public policies and sectoral analysis in agriculture, transportation and regional development.
Zuleima Urrea
Data Collection Director
Agricultural Engineer, graduated from the Universidad Surcolombiana with a specialization in social management from Uniminuto and a Master's degree in project management from the EAN. With experience in the design, planning, monitoring, and execution of information collection operations at the national level and in the planning, advice and support of information collection in Central American and Caribbean countries. Her experience includes the management of work teams, the management of administrative and operational aspects for qualitative and quantitative data collections, in urban and rural areas, face-to-face and virtual. She has participated in projects related to the following topics: education, health, early childhood, socioeconomics, rural finance, among others.
Zuleima Urrea
Data Collection Director
Agricultural Engineer, graduated from the Universidad Surcolombiana with a specialization in social management from Uniminuto and a Master's degree in project management from the EAN. With experience in the design, planning, monitoring, and execution of information collection operations at the national level and in the planning, advice and support of information collection in Central American and Caribbean countries. Her experience includes the management of work teams, the management of administrative and operational aspects for qualitative and quantitative data collections, in urban and rural areas, face-to-face and virtual. She has participated in projects related to the following topics: education, health, early childhood, socioeconomics, rural finance, among others.