Financial Inclusion

Financial Inclusion

Financial inclusion is one of the central aims of the national government, based on the understanding that more inclusive financial systems have positive impacts on the quality of life of the population as well as on general economic development. “Banca de las Opportunidades” (Opportunity Bank) is the National Government’s programme to promote financial inclusion in Colombia via public policies aimed at creating market incentives for inclusive financial services, as well as the reduction of access barriers.

Our contribution

In this field, Econometría has contributed to analysis of the supply and demand of financial services in rural and vulnerable populations, as well as the design of policies, programmes and instruments for financial inclusion. The majority of these projects have been carried out in association with Marulanda Consultants.

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Consulting services in monitoring&E of policies, programs and projects.

Consulting in M&E of policies, programs, and projects for public and private entities, international cooperation agencies and non-governmental organizations. Optimize your decisions based on evidence. Sign in now.

NGO Evaluations

In this week in which the day of NGOs is celebrated, Econometría highlights their contribution to the generation of evidence...

Evaluation for WFP

Econometría was granted the Evaluation Data Summaries (SEEs) project commissioned by the WFP-OEV...

Evaluation for UNICEF

In 2012, Econometría conducted three evaluations for UNICEF in Latin America: Evaluation of the country program...

Consulting services in monitoring&E of policies, programs and projects.

Consulting in M&E of policies, programs, and projects for public and private entities, international cooperation agencies and non-governmental organizations. Optimize your decisions based on evidence. Sign in now.

NGO Evaluations

In this week in which the day of NGOs is celebrated, Econometría highlights their contribution to the generation of evidence...

Evaluation for WFP

Econometría was granted the Evaluation Data Summaries (SEEs) project commissioned by the WFP-OEV...

Evaluation for UNICEF

In 2012, Econometría conducted three evaluations for UNICEF in Latin America: Evaluation of the country program...

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Climate Finance

Climate Finance

Climate change is one of the world’s greatest threats. Colombia has pledged to reduce its emissions by 51% for 2030 and to be carbon neutral by 2050, and other Latin American countries have similarly ambitious goals. To reach them, policies and economic instruments must be designed and implemented which incentivize the private sector to innovate and invest in cleaner production as a complement to the efforts of the public sector and the international community.

Our contribution

As well as contributing to studies on environmental policy and economic assessment, at Econometría we have played an active part in the design and implementation of national strategies of climate funding. Similarly, we have participated in meteorological, legal, institutional, economic and financial studies aimed at the creation of political instruments that bring about fiscal and financially sustainable change for the environment.

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Other related results

Consulting services in monitoring&E of policies, programs and projects.

Consulting in M&E of policies, programs, and projects for public and private entities, international cooperation agencies and non-governmental organizations. Optimize your decisions based on evidence. Sign in now.

NGO Evaluations

In this week in which the day of NGOs is celebrated, Econometría highlights their contribution to the generation of evidence...

Evaluation for WFP

Econometría was granted the Evaluation Data Summaries (SEEs) project commissioned by the WFP-OEV...

Evaluation for UNICEF

In 2012, Econometría conducted three evaluations for UNICEF in Latin America: Evaluation of the country program...

Consulting services in monitoring&E of policies, programs and projects.

Consulting in M&E of policies, programs, and projects for public and private entities, international cooperation agencies and non-governmental organizations. Optimize your decisions based on evidence. Sign in now.

NGO Evaluations

In this week in which the day of NGOs is celebrated, Econometría highlights their contribution to the generation of evidence...

Evaluation for WFP

Econometría was granted the Evaluation Data Summaries (SEEs) project commissioned by the WFP-OEV...

Evaluation for UNICEF

In 2012, Econometría conducted three evaluations for UNICEF in Latin America: Evaluation of the country program...

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Rural Development

Rural development

With poor living conditions and significant gaps in equality with urban zones, rural areas present a huge challenge for Colombia. The duration of this situation makes the challenge even greater, but at the same time is an area of tremendous potential for the country to increase income and improve living conditions in an environmentally sustainable way. Opportunities exist but capitalizing on them requires structured and systematic development.

Our contribution

We have been working in this setting for the last 15 years, carrying out more than 40 projects covering a wide range of areas: macro analysis, understanding of regional dynamics, conceptualization of the challenges of regional and rural development, policy for the operational setting of the sector, supply of cross-sectoral public goods, and evaluation of support programmes for agricultural producers. The breadth of our experience gives us a deep understanding of the context; as a result, we are able to offer resources to develop comprehensive strategies of support to rural areas.

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Other related results

Consulting services in monitoring&E of policies, programs and projects.

Consulting in M&E of policies, programs, and projects for public and private entities, international cooperation agencies and non-governmental organizations. Optimize your decisions based on evidence. Sign in now.

NGO Evaluations

In this week in which the day of NGOs is celebrated, Econometría highlights their contribution to the generation of evidence...

Evaluation for WFP

Econometría was granted the Evaluation Data Summaries (SEEs) project commissioned by the WFP-OEV...

Evaluation for UNICEF

In 2012, Econometría conducted three evaluations for UNICEF in Latin America: Evaluation of the country program...

Consulting services in monitoring&E of policies, programs and projects.

Consulting in M&E of policies, programs, and projects for public and private entities, international cooperation agencies and non-governmental organizations. Optimize your decisions based on evidence. Sign in now.

NGO Evaluations

In this week in which the day of NGOs is celebrated, Econometría highlights their contribution to the generation of evidence...

Evaluation for WFP

Econometría was granted the Evaluation Data Summaries (SEEs) project commissioned by the WFP-OEV...

Evaluation for UNICEF

In 2012, Econometría conducted three evaluations for UNICEF in Latin America: Evaluation of the country program...

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Forced displacement

Forced displacement due to armed conflict

Armed conflict in Colombia has given rise to serious human rights violations, and has affected millions of people who have been forcibly displaced, losing their tangible as well as intangible capitol and suffering serious psychosocial consequences. In line with the existing rights of this population, an extensive base of regulation and case-law has been developed, giving way to public policy which requires an analysis of the population, as well as institutional evaluations of results and impact.

The humanitarian emergency of displaced populations in Colombia has indeed been tackled by the United Nations, ONGs and other organizations, contributing action plans for direct alimentary and non-alimentary assistance as well as psychosocial and livelihood support, and striving for long-term solutions.

Our contibution

Econometría has participated in multiple settings with the victims of forced displacement, as well as victims of other events. On the behalf of the government we have carried out analysis of victim populations, whether of forced displacement or of other events, through home surveys carried out by our representatives across the country, and have likewise contributed to the design and evaluation of public policies. In addition, for the United Nations and other organizations, we have carried out analysis of food insecurity and vulnerability since 2003 for the World Food Programme, and have evaluated interventions aimed at this population for the PMA, PNUD, OIM, ACNUR, FUPAD and the BID.

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Other related results

Consulting services in monitoring&E of policies, programs and projects.

Consulting in M&E of policies, programs, and projects for public and private entities, international cooperation agencies and non-governmental organizations. Optimize your decisions based on evidence. Sign in now.

NGO Evaluations

In this week in which the day of NGOs is celebrated, Econometría highlights their contribution to the generation of evidence...

Evaluation for WFP

Econometría was granted the Evaluation Data Summaries (SEEs) project commissioned by the WFP-OEV...

Evaluation for UNICEF

In 2012, Econometría conducted three evaluations for UNICEF in Latin America: Evaluation of the country program...

Consulting services in monitoring&E of policies, programs and projects.

Consulting in M&E of policies, programs, and projects for public and private entities, international cooperation agencies and non-governmental organizations. Optimize your decisions based on evidence. Sign in now.

NGO Evaluations

In this week in which the day of NGOs is celebrated, Econometría highlights their contribution to the generation of evidence...

Evaluation for WFP

Econometría was granted the Evaluation Data Summaries (SEEs) project commissioned by the WFP-OEV...

Evaluation for UNICEF

In 2012, Econometría conducted three evaluations for UNICEF in Latin America: Evaluation of the country program...

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Science and innovation

Science, technology and innovation

Science, technology and innovation are fundamentally important for economic development and social progress in an economy. Innovation creates jobs and allows scientific technique and technological know-how to be applied to products and services. At Econometría we have evaluated the results and impacts of the most significant programmes in Colombia.

Our contribution

Econometría has participated in the evaluation of the impact and results of incentives designed and implemented by Innpulsa Colombia, Minciencias and other related organizations to promote CTI, providing recommendations to deal with challenges and make adjustments to the tools and systems used. Similarly, we have helped to identify the characteristics which allow companies to achieve fast, profitable and sustainable growth through investment in CTI, leading to the creation of incentives to strengthen the ecosystem of innovation in the country.

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Other related results

Consulting services in monitoring&E of policies, programs and projects.

Consulting in M&E of policies, programs, and projects for public and private entities, international cooperation agencies and non-governmental organizations. Optimize your decisions based on evidence. Sign in now.

NGO Evaluations

In this week in which the day of NGOs is celebrated, Econometría highlights their contribution to the generation of evidence...

Evaluation for WFP

Econometría was granted the Evaluation Data Summaries (SEEs) project commissioned by the WFP-OEV...

Evaluation for UNICEF

In 2012, Econometría conducted three evaluations for UNICEF in Latin America: Evaluation of the country program...

Consulting services in monitoring&E of policies, programs and projects.

Consulting in M&E of policies, programs, and projects for public and private entities, international cooperation agencies and non-governmental organizations. Optimize your decisions based on evidence. Sign in now.

NGO Evaluations

In this week in which the day of NGOs is celebrated, Econometría highlights their contribution to the generation of evidence...

Evaluation for WFP

Econometría was granted the Evaluation Data Summaries (SEEs) project commissioned by the WFP-OEV...

Evaluation for UNICEF

In 2012, Econometría conducted three evaluations for UNICEF in Latin America: Evaluation of the country program...

© 2022 Econometría Consultores SAS | All rights reserved | Sitemap

Monitoring systems

Follow-up and monitoring systems

The entities responsible for coordinating or executing plans, programs or projects generally require instruments that facilitate the monitoring of the status of variables of interest or the follow-up of the fulfillment of goals and objectives. In this area, Econometría S.A. has developed follow-up and monitoring tools that range from conceptual design to the implementation of computer systems that facilitate the collection, processing, visualization and analysis of information for decision-making.

For the construction of this type of tools and according to the needs identified, we are able to address a comprehensive approach to the design of follow-up and monitoring models that may include the analysis of issues such as: theory of change, value chain, logical framework for implementation, construction of baselines, definition of indicators and the design and implementation of information systems.

Our contribution

Since 2014, we have worked on the development of projects that have strengthened decision making in different organizations by providing them with follow-up and monitoring models that are integrated into their processes and way of operating, and with IT tools that provide timely, reliable and easy-to-understand information. These are some of our projects.

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Other related results

Consulting services in monitoring&E of policies, programs and projects.

Consulting in M&E of policies, programs, and projects for public and private entities, international cooperation agencies and non-governmental organizations. Optimize your decisions based on evidence. Sign in now.

NGO Evaluations

In this week in which the day of NGOs is celebrated, Econometría highlights their contribution to the generation of evidence...

Evaluation for WFP

Econometría was granted the Evaluation Data Summaries (SEEs) project commissioned by the WFP-OEV...

Evaluation for UNICEF

In 2012, Econometría conducted three evaluations for UNICEF in Latin America: Evaluation of the country program...

Consulting services in monitoring&E of policies, programs and projects.

Consulting in M&E of policies, programs, and projects for public and private entities, international cooperation agencies and non-governmental organizations. Optimize your decisions based on evidence. Sign in now.

NGO Evaluations

In this week in which the day of NGOs is celebrated, Econometría highlights their contribution to the generation of evidence...

Evaluation for WFP

Econometría was granted the Evaluation Data Summaries (SEEs) project commissioned by the WFP-OEV...

Evaluation for UNICEF

In 2012, Econometría conducted three evaluations for UNICEF in Latin America: Evaluation of the country program...

© 2022 Econometría Consultores SAS | All rights reserved | Sitemap

Crecimiento por efectos base

El dato de crecimiento de PIB dado por el DANE mostró que la economía creció 10.6% en 2021. Si el PIB se mantiene estancado en los niveles del último trimestre de 2021 durante todo 2022 la economía crecería 5.3%. De esta manera, se actualiza el pronóstico a 6.3%, el cual es como si la economía creciera a 3% en tiempos normales. Dicho crecimiento puede ser insuficiente para la generación de empleo.

Emprendedoras Bavaria: una historia para compartir

Emprendedoras Bavaria: una historia para compartir

Autores: Arturo García, Cristhian Contreras y María Paula Rivera

Econometría Consultores evaluó el programa Emprendedoras Bavaria 2021, ejecutado por Fenalco y PNUD, en alianza con programa Mujeres más productivas del Ministerio de Comercio Industria y Turismo (MinCIT) y con la cooperación de la Unión Europea. La experiencia fue enriquecedora y la queremos compartir; en particular sus resultados y la forma de trabajo.

Comencemos con una breve descripción del programa tal como se ejecutó en 2021. La población participante fueron 15.177 tenderas, todas con alguna vulnerabilidad; además, 46% estaba en el Registro Único de Víctimas. A las tenderas se les capacitó y acompañó de manera mixta (presencial y/o virtual) para cubrir nueve módulos de formación (Mujer emprendedora, Bioseguridad, Formalización, Apropiación digital, Hagamos cuentas, Precio y competencia, Así se ve mi negocio, Servicio al cliente y Plan de negocios), los seis primeros con acompañamiento y los tres últimos para desarrollo autónomo. Este grupo de tenderas se atendió en ocho ciclos de seis semanas, incluyendo la graduación. El programa tuvo una cobertura de 518 municipios en 27 departamentos.

Sobre los resultados cuatro aspectos valen la pena mencionar: Lo primero, son los impactos en las tenderas. A los dos meses de concluidos los ciclos se ven resultados en variables claves como implementación de domicilios, promoción y/o venta digital, pagos virtuales, registros contables; e impactos en ingresos (29% en promedio). Si el seguimiento se hace a los tres meses el aumento de los ingresos es de 38%. Son impactos buenos y crecientes.

Lo segundo, es que conforme los ciclos se van repitiendo los resultados son cada vez más consistentes. Los aumentos de ingresos de las tenderas son cada vez más parecidos independientemente de quien haga el acompañamiento. Se ha logrado un alto nivel de estandarización, que abre las puertas a lo que podría ser el escalamiento.

Lo tercero, es que el programa es costo eficiente. Los costos por tendera han decrecido algo más de 10% desde 2019, al tiempo que los ingresos adicionales de las tenderas, atribuidos al Programa, han crecido 34%; logrando tasas internas de retorno superiores a 28%.

Estos resultados, buenos en sí mismos, son más significativos al compararlos con otros programas sociales. Sin hacer referencia a programas en particular, desde la experiencia de Econometría Consultores, donde en 45 años hemos hecho más de 800 trabajos en más de 25 países, los tres anteriores resultados no son buenos, son muy buenos.

Lo cuarto es el empoderamiento de las tenderas. Las tenderas tienen capacidades y buenas ideas; lo que logra el programa es darles confianza que las empodera y les permite hacer lo que tenían en mente para lograr los resultados e impactos antes mencionados. Esto es aún más valioso porque todas las mujeres hacen parte de poblaciones vulnerables y 46% es víctima del conflicto armado. Lo anterior muestra que es factible trabajar con la población más necesitada, logrando resultados sobresalientes.

El segundo tema es la forma en que se trabajó. No fue un trabajo puntual; se viene trabajando con el Programa desde finales de 2019. Sin excluir evaluaciones de impacto (se hicieron tres), la novedad fue el uso del modelo de “Investigación en la implementación”, complementado con: un Call Center para semanalmente resolver inquietudes; y un grupo de consulta para dar un debate a fondo de los resultados. A partir de estrecha articulación de la operación y la evaluación, que fue un enorme reto, se logró: a) tener información en tiempo real; b) ejecutar el programa como estaba previsto; c) identificar los aportes de los distintos componentes; d) generar procesos de retroalimentación en el camino, sin necesidad de esperar al final; e) ajustar el programa entre ciclos; y f) mejorar los resultados conforme se avanzaba en los ciclos.

Adicionalmente, esta metodología busca escalar programas y/o políticas; en nuestro concepto uno de los principales problemas del país. Un piloto es un buen punto de partida para validar un programa, eso fue lo que se hizo en 2020 con 3.000 tenderas en dos ciclos de formación. Luego, es necesario analizar las condiciones en que se pueden dar réplicas (paso que suele no hacerse), fue lo que se hizo en 2021 con 15.000 tenderas en 8 ciclos. Ahora se está en condiciones para trabajarle al escalamiento, el cual podría tomar dos vías alternativas no excluyentes: a) vía articulación con las áreas misionales de Bavaria, en particular con el área de ventas; y b) con programas públicos de atención a pequeños negocios, como es el caso del programa “Mujeres más productivas” del MinCIT.

Lo más interesante de esta forma de trabajar es que la Fundación Bavaria, más allá de su labor filantrópica, termina siendo un Laboratorio Social y abre las puertas para un relacionamiento un tanto distinto entre empresas y gobierno en lo que bien podría llegar a ser un nuevo esquema de Asociaciones Público-Privadas, donde lo productivo es la base para la inclusión social.

En resumen, Emprendedoras Bavaria por los resultados y la forma de trabajar debe tomarse como referente para otros programas, que apuesten por la inclusión productiva y social. Es una historia que bien vale la pena compartir.

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Inflación e incertidumbre política

La inflación cerró 2021 cerca del 5.6%, muy por encima de las meta de inflación lo que obligará al Banco de la República a realizar alzas en la tasa de interés de política monetaria. El contexto político es incierto y Colombia enfrenta riesgos de entrar en extremos como el de Chile o Perú que pueden perjudicar el futuro de la economía.

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